Month: June 2019

Top officials at İstanbul Municipality resign as new mayor takes office

Top officials at İstanbul Municipality resign as new mayor takes office

İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Secretary-general Hayri Baraçlı announced on Friday that he and his seven assistants and legal advisor have all…
Turkish court rules to keep US Consulate employee in pre-trial detention

Turkish court rules to keep US Consulate employee in pre-trial detention

A Turkish court ruled on Friday to keep an employee of the US Consulate General in Istanbul in custody as…
Satterfield confirmed as new US ambassador to Turkey

Satterfield confirmed as new US ambassador to Turkey

The US Embassy in Ankara announced on Twitter on Friday that the US Senate has confirmed David Satterfield to serve…
Secret investigation under way into opposition leader over Gülen links: lawyer

Secret investigation under way into opposition leader over Gülen links: lawyer

Turkish prosecutors have been conducting an investigation into İyi (Good) Party leader Meral Akşener since 2016 due to her alleged…
Officials who conducted Turkish intelligence trucks probe in 2014 get lengthy prison sentences

Officials who conducted Turkish intelligence trucks probe in 2014 get lengthy prison sentences

A Turkish court on Friday handed down lengthy jail sentences to the prosecutors and military officers who worked on a…
Turkey’s foreign trade deficit decreases 77 percent

Turkey’s foreign trade deficit decreases 77 percent

The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) on Friday released the country’s provisional foreign trade statistics for May, which point to a…
Editor of gov’t-critical news website detained for insulting Turkish president

Editor of gov’t-critical news website detained for insulting Turkish president

Ali Ergin Demirhan, editor of the news website, a media outlet critical of the Turkish government, was detained on…
Turkey orders detention of 27 sailors from Naval Forces

Turkey orders detention of 27 sailors from Naval Forces

The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office on Friday issued detention warrants for 27 sailors from Turkey’s Naval Forces as part…
Turkey’s state of emergency commission has approved 6,000 out of 77,900 purge victim applications reviewed

Turkey’s state of emergency commission has approved 6,000 out of 77,900 purge victim applications reviewed

A commission set up by the government to look into complaints from individuals who were adversely affected by government decrees…
European anti-corruption group highlights continuing lack of progress in Turkey

European anti-corruption group highlights continuing lack of progress in Turkey

The Council of Europe’s (CoE) Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has published two reports on Turkey highlighting a continuing…
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