Binali Yıldırım

Only one-third of MHP voters declared support for ally AKP candidate in pre-election survey

Only one-third of MHP voters declared support for ally AKP candidate in pre-election survey

According to an analysis of an İstanbul mayoral election opinion poll conducted in mid-June by the Konda polling company, only…
More executives resign at İstanbul Municipality after arrival of new mayor

More executives resign at İstanbul Municipality after arrival of new mayor

Kasım Kutlu, the director-general responsible for İstanbul’s underground railway infrastructure, and Hüseyin Hacıoğlu from the parking administration, İSPARK, resigned after…
Trial of Istanbul’s CHP chairperson politically-motivated, say opposition MPs

Trial of Istanbul’s CHP chairperson politically-motivated, say opposition MPs

The trial of the Istanbul chairperson of Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) is politically-motivated its deputies have claimed,…
Top officials at İstanbul Municipality resign as new mayor takes office

Top officials at İstanbul Municipality resign as new mayor takes office

İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Secretary-general Hayri Baraçlı announced on Friday that he and his seven assistants and legal advisor have all…
Mayor-elect Imamoglu receives mandate for Istanbul mayorship

Mayor-elect Imamoglu receives mandate for Istanbul mayorship

Ekrem Imamoglu, Istanbul’s second-time mayor-elect from the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) received the official mandate to be the…
Turkish opposition denies requesting snap elections after İstanbul victory

Turkish opposition denies requesting snap elections after İstanbul victory

Turkey’s main opposition party on Thursday denied reports claiming that they would request snap elections after their significant victory in…
AKP denies being behind Öcalan letter ahead of İstanbul vote

AKP denies being behind Öcalan letter ahead of İstanbul vote

Justice and Development Party (AKP) spokesperson Ömer Çelik has denied claims that his party was behind a letter written by…
US mission in İstanbul congratulates İmamoğlu on his election success

US mission in İstanbul congratulates İmamoğlu on his election success

The US Consulate General in İstanbul on Monday released a congratulatory message for Ekrem İmamoğlu, who was elected mayor of…
The 5 winners and losers of Sunday’s Istanbul revote

The 5 winners and losers of Sunday’s Istanbul revote

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was going to lose the June 23 Istanbul mayoral revote either way. In the unlikely…
İmamoğlu doubles Erdoğan’s vote, breaks record of 35 years

İmamoğlu doubles Erdoğan’s vote, breaks record of 35 years

Ekrem İmamoğlu, winning the Istanbul re-run with 54.03 per cent of the vote and outdoing his rival Binali Yıldırım by…
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