Month: June 2020

Academic says Gülen movement followers should be sent to rehabilitation camps

Academic says Gülen movement followers should be sent to rehabilitation camps

A professor of communications, Muttalip Kutluk Özgüven, has said followers of the Gülen movement, accused by the Turkish government of…
Magnitude 5.2 earthquake jolts western Turkey

Magnitude 5.2 earthquake jolts western Turkey

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck Turkey’s western province of Muğla on Sunday, according to the country’s disaster management agency. The…
Turkey jails 10-day-old baby along with mother

Turkey jails 10-day-old baby along with mother

A 10-day-old baby was sent to prison along with her two-year-old sister and their mother, Eylem Oyunlu, when the mother…
Plastic waste sent from EU to Turkey increased by almost 200 times

Plastic waste sent from EU to Turkey increased by almost 200 times

The amount of plastic waste sent from European Union countries to be processed in Turkey increased 173-fold since 2004, news…
Germany reluctant to lift travel restrictions on Turkey due to controversial COVID-19 treatment

Germany reluctant to lift travel restrictions on Turkey due to controversial COVID-19 treatment

As Turkey pushes for the swift lifting of travel restrictions from Europe to reduce losses during the peak of the…
IMF report shows Turkey below reserve adequacy limit

IMF report shows Turkey below reserve adequacy limit

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Global Financial Stability update released this week has revealed that Turkey is below the reserve…
Turkey not fully compliant with human trafficking prevention standards – U.S. report

Turkey not fully compliant with human trafficking prevention standards – U.S. report

The Turkish government did not fully comply with minimum standards in the prevention of trafficking, but made significant efforts to…
One in 500 in Turkey victim of torture, says Human Rights Foundation chairwoman

One in 500 in Turkey victim of torture, says Human Rights Foundation chairwoman

As many as one in every 500 citizens in Turkey may have been a victim of torture, Şebnem Korur Fincancı,…
Iraqi president tells Turkey to stop military operations after ‘unarmed civilians’ killed

Iraqi president tells Turkey to stop military operations after ‘unarmed civilians’ killed

Iraqi President Barham Salih said on Friday that Turkey must halt its military operations in the north after several “unarmed…
Azerbaijan planning to buy Turkish-made drones: report

Azerbaijan planning to buy Turkish-made drones: report

Azerbaijan is planning to acquire scores of Turkish-made armed drones, the Azeri defense minister has said, according to the DefenseNews…
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