
Grants for “Myronivsky Hliboproduct”, abuse in defense sector and suspension of Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety: the President demands from the authorized bodies to react rigorously and immediately to corruption

"You have heard a story about corruption in the state concern "Ukroboronprom".


New materials on deals in the defense sector were transferred to law enforcement agencies. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a meeting of the National Anticorruption Policy Council.

“You have heard a story about corruption in the state concern “Ukroboronprom”.

We handed over to another law enforcement agency (materials – Ed.) about another corruption scheme in the field of defense industry,” he said.

“As it turned out, special exporters have transferred almost $ 30 million to the accounts of offshore companies for supposedly services rendered only under a few dubious contracts during five years of activity of the previous government”, the President said about the details and reminded that these offshore funds are taxpayers’ money.

The President mentioned that UAH 2.5 billion of grands were allocated from the state budget to one of the largest agricultural holdings in Ukraine “Myronivsky Hliboprodukt” during 2017-2018. ” In fact, it does not need government support, because it has profits. And you know that. It pays huge dividends to his shareholders every year “, the President said.

“I would like to appeal to our law enforcement, anticorruption authorities: let’s check if we have such information, the amount of this budget aid and the amount of dividends. And compare. Maybe we will get the same figures “, the Head of State added.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy also mentioned the issue of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety and corruption in the road sector.

“Ukraine spends UAH 4 billion on roads every year but there are no roads. They are getting worse and worse. It is because of the lack of proper control, non-

Observance of the established norms of the weight of vehicles and charges from the employees of this civil service “, he said.

The President said that Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety Mykhailo Nonyak was suspended from his duties for significant disadvantages in the work on July 17. The Head of State expressed the opinion that the top officials are standing for such deals, so this should be the appropriate reaction.

“There must be a rigorous and immediate response from our anticorruption authorities,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said


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