
Ukraine is interested in continuing the implementation of infrastructure projects with the support of Japan – the President

Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke about the security situation in Donbas and recent developments towards ending the war and achieving peace.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, on the first day of his working visit to Japan. The Head of State thanked Japan for its consistent policy of supporting Ukraine and non-recognition attempts illegal annexation of Crimea as well as maintaining sanctions against Russia.

“I want to thank you personally for your steadfast position on Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” the President said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke about the security situation in Donbas and recent developments towards ending the war and achieving peace.

The parties discussed Japanese investment in the infrastructure development of Ukraine. President thanked for financial assistance, which had reached $ 1.8 billion since 2014.

“We are interested in continuing the implementation of infrastructure projects with the support of Japan. We are especially grateful to Japan for a subsidized loan for the modernization of the Bortnitskaya Aeration Station at almost $ 1 billion. We hope that the work will start early next year,”the President stressed.

The Head of State also thanked for the visa relaxation for Ukrainian citizens since January 1, 2018, and raised the issue of visa-free travel for Ukrainians ahead of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

Shinzo Abe praised the results of the reforms in Ukraine and assured that Japan would continue to support our country in making positive changes.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited the Prime Minister of Japan to visit Ukraine.



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